The cleaners clean :

The cleaners clean :

We always feel amazing when we have an order from those who are professionals in the cleaning game. After receiving some glowing testimonials we thought we'd share them here so you can be reassured of receiving a clean that meets a high standard.

“Bachclean care for residential and holiday homes in NZ. We have a strong environmental ethos and using Everdaily as our main cleaning product sits well with us.
It truly is a wonderful cleaning solution; cost effective, smells great, and an awesome all-round cleaner.
Our team love it, it’s all we use in our own homes for cleaning, laundry and dishes and now our friends and Whanau use it too. Be proud Everdaily; we are super happy to have you in our kit"

"Thanks to a client using the Everdaily product in her home I tried it and discovered how amazing it was in all aspects of cleaning around the home. I went home and ordered some straight away! I would never use anything else from now on in my home or my clients homes.
This product smells fantastic, doesn't cause any irritation for sensitive noses or any drying to the skin on your hands, which for me is perfect when I clean daily for a living!
The beauty of one product being able to be diluted for multiple use in all areas, on different surfaces including added to your washing for a wonderful clean is fantastic!! 
Having individual bottles for each purpose is great as well as you always know how much product to use.
I could not recommend Everdaily more, it will be my product of choice for years to come"
Spik'n' Span Cleaning Co
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